Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

When did you begin to choose the life you are leading now? When did you decide on the job you have, and against the job you want? When did you decide that the money you make now is all you can make?

Determination and belief are the starting points for success. Changing these mental attitudes will open you to new opportunities to do, and be anything you desire, and you only need a subconscious thought to plant the seed.

So How can we do this?" This book contains real answers to that question. By learning how the mind works, we can understand how to break the cycles that keep us on the outside looking in, instead of where we truly wish to be.

This book will open your mind and your eyes to a world which has always been there; but to which you have not had access.

How often have we found ourselves thinking there is something lacking in our own lives? By Changing our Minds we remove the lack in our own lives. We remove the unnamed need that eats away at our day to day lives.

By Changing our Minds we walk away from a life that is constantly needing repairs and begin a life that rewrites our reality.

Whether we know it or not, our energies are focused and those energies are working in our lives, for better or worse. Like electricity, our own energies do not decide they will work in one area, and not another. Electricity doesn't stop working because the toaster is bad or the stereo is on a negative channel. Electricity flows through the circuit until it is complete. Our energies act in exactly the same way.

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life expands this simple life truth, and shows you how to change your circuit path so the things you want in your life receive the energy, rather than sending it to the things that are strapping you down.

Read Change Your Mind, Change Your Life today, and start putting focus and energy into your own success.

Sharpen Your Memory

A good memory is truly important for anyone to possess.

Your memory of faces, names, facts, information, dates, events, circumstances and other things concerning your everyday life is the measure of your ability to prevail in today's fast-paced, information-dependent society.

With a good memory, you don't have to fear forgetting/misplacing important stuff and you can overcome mental barriers that hinder you from achieving success in your career, love life, and personal life.

Your memory is composed of complicated neural connections in your brain which are believed to be capable of holding millions of bits of data.

The ability of your mind to retain past experiences in a highly organized manner gives you the potential to learn and create different ideas. Your experiences are the stepping stones to greater accomplishments and at the same time your guides and protectors from danger. If your memory serves you well in this respect, you are saved the agony of repeating the mistakes of the past. By remembering crucial lessons and circumstances, you avoid the mistakes and failures made by other people.

Unless you have an illness or handicap, a poor memory is often attributed to lack of attention or concentration, insufficient listening skills, and other inherent bad habits; however, it can be honed and developed using the right methods.

Many people believe that their memory gets worse as they get older. This is true only for those who do not use their memory properly. Memory is like a muscle - the more it is used, the better it gets. The more it is neglected, the worse it gets. This is the reason why older people have more trouble remembering than younger ones.

However, people increasing in age can overcome this dilemma and can even further improve their memory by continuing their education, by refining their minds, by keeping themselves open to new experiences, and by keeping their imagination working. An important thing to realize is that different people have various ways of learning. The way in which people learn is often a factor determining the subjects they choose to study, instructors they relate to, and careers they select.

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7 Keys to Success

When I was quite young, someone told me, "If you want be really successful, find out what God wants to you to do with your life and then dedicate yourself to achieving it".

At the time, I didn't really like that idea; I did not believe that my life could have any particular purpose; and I did not think that anything God might have in mind would be of any interest to me in any case.

Gradually, I have come to believe that what that person said to me, all those years ago, is true.

As human beings, we all share certain basic wants and needs: we have need for food, water, shelter, safety, love, respect and self-esteem.

Most people settle for pursuing a career that satisfies these basic human wants and needs; and never really think beyond them to what their life could be about.

Well, my friend, if this describes your situation, then this book will challenge you to rethink your life and what is really important to you. The 7 Keys to Success contains an important message - it is time for you to wake-up and start living the life you were born to live; and to do that, you need to acquire the 7 Keys.

This inspirational book also contains a beautiful movie on the 7 success principles it advocates ...

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